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About Wild in the City

This is the website of Margaret Bream, photojournalist, editor and nature lover. My column, Wild in the City, ran bi-weekly in the Toronto Star for years. Wild in the City is now writing a book, called A Year at the Bay, which focuses on a pair of mute swans, Laika and Celeste, that struggle to raise their family at Ashbridges Bay in Toronto. Along the way, the stories of many other animals that live at the bay are told, including Hudson the Red Squirrel; Jamaica the red-tailed hawk; Castor the beaver; Lazuli, the eastern grey squirrel; Socks the red fox; and Neo the American mink.


I hope you enjoy my blog posts and will look for A Year at the Bay when it is published. I will keep readers up to date about my book’s publishing schedule here.

If you would like to read my column in the Toronto Star, click here: